Promotion of Code of Good Agricultural Practices
The Project will include activities to encourage farmers to adopt the Code of Good Agricultural Practices, which has been prepared and updated under the Agricultural Pollution Control Project, in their management of crop and livestock enterprises. In particular, the Project will promote the adoption of nutrient management practices including crop rotation, manure management, maintaining soil cover and crop nutrient management with soil testing. Organic farming will also be promoted. A training program for advisory staff and farmers will be funded by the Project with an on-farm demonstration program as the basis for disseminating results of improved practices. The Project will provide funds for recruitment of agencies skilled in nutrient management to provide advice and training, for partially meeting the cost of soil analysis where necessary, as well as costs of the on-farm demonstration program.
The Project will support tillage protection and conservation with a view to reducing soil erosion and will finance the cost of on-farm demonstration equipment and activities. The sustainable use of communal pastures and other grazing areas would also be promoted where this activity is relevant to improve the management of natural resources in the commune and reducing nutrient discharge. The program for promoting Good Agricultural Practices would be initiated in the first eleven TDS communes and then spread more widely throughout the NVZs as the Project proceeds.